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Torcadino Laws

The laws of Torcadino extend only the walls of Torcadino. Once outside the walls, the laws nor the protections of Torcadino will follow unless extended specifically in writing.



- To keep the General order of Torcadino


  1. Face stripping a free woman, forcefully removing her veils, is a serious crime.

  2. A Free Companionship lasts for a single year. If it is not renewed at the end of that time, it dissolves.  A woman will not change her name in a Free Companionship.  For the companionship to be dissolved prior to the one year, the Ubar/Administrator must approve such a change and the proper scrolls need to be filed in the central cylinder.

  3. Any illegal act will be addressed by and adjudicated by the Administrator/Ubar of Torcadino.  These acts include (but are not necessarily limited to): Any of the laws and requirements listed in this scroll, theft, forgery, fraud, bringing weapons inside city walls, rape, assault, destruction of property, default on an agreement and/or contract, etc.



- Torcadino citizens respect the HomeStone


  1. Theft of the Homestone



- Citizensship is a privilage, not a right, and thus be earned.


  1. The nonperformance of the citizenship ceremony, within one year of reaching intellectual majority (18 vars), is punishable by expulsion from the city. This applies only to those individuals born within the city or born to citizens of the city.

  2. The oath of allegiance involves the touching or kissing of the Homestone, the swearing of oaths, and maybe the sharing of bread, fire and salt. All citizens must take the oath.

  3. Retaining citizenship is contigent upon attendig certain public ceremonies and assemblies. Each citizen is expected to attent as many official functions as possible.

  4. Every citizen must journey, at least once, to the Sardar Mountains before they are twenty-five vars.



- The only common legal arrangement that exists between different cities.


  1. The standardization of foot and measure will be done at the Sardar Fair.

  2. Patents and copyrights are available in a city but their power extends only as far as the city walls.

  3. Each city commonly holds a Merchant's Foot and Stone in the Chamber of the Council and are available for Merchants to verify their own personal measuring devices. Any Merchant found to be using a deceptive Foot or Stone will be punished.

  4. Shaving or slicing off metal from any coin is considered to be theft and fraud. This debases the value of the coin.

  5. The regulation of slave trade is addressed under slave laws for the city of Torcadino.  All slavers and merchants dealing with slave flesh will be held to these laws of registration, pedigree, and transfer of ownership.

  6. All merchants doing business within the city of Torcadino are required to pay the proper fees for docking ships, setting up vendor’s carts, imports, and exports.

  7. Cities may have and hold trade alliances and agreements.  All merchants of that city are expected to follow the tenants of the trade agreement forged with their city.

  8.  Merchants who want to purchase and put up any kind of business within the city walls will be required to become citizens.



- Crimes against the City


  1. It is illegal to take any maps of Torcadino out of the city or for someone outside of the city to make their own map of Torcadino.

  2. It is a capital offense for a locksmith to make an unauthorized copy of a key.

  3. Forgery of a city seal on products is illegal.

  4. Crests, signs and family emblems can be registered and their use legally restricted.

  5. Weapons are not permitted within a Temple.

  6. Any found to be accused of a crime must be brought before the High Council with proof (Log). Without such it is just hearsay and there for not admisable for Court.




- All Freewomen are guarded well by city guards in Torcadino.


  1. The robes of concealment and veils are not required by law for free women.

  2. Free women will not be frequenting establishments such as paga dens or slave blocks.

  3. Free women will not engage in behavior that is slave-like.

  4. Free women in Torcadino have the right to speak their minds in a respectful manner.

  5. A free woman of Torcadino will not be placed in a collar without a trial.  The free women of Torcadino are safe within their own city walls.  A woman found guilty of violating any law can be enslaved.


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